Log in to the ASHG Portal to submit or view your submission.
Welcome to the 2025 DNA Day Essay Contest submission site. As you prepare your submission, please note the following important items:
- All submitters must create an account with ASHG. Creating an account does not require any payment.
- Please follow DNA Day Submission Instructions to create an account or login and submit an essay.
- Review a DNA Day Blank Submission Form to prepare your submission
What You Need to Know Before You Submit
- Teachers should create an account and submit the essay for each student. This can be any teacher at the current school of the student.
- If a teacher or other adult (such as a dean or guidance counselor) at a school is not availble to submit, a parent may submit.
- If a class name is not applicable, please put "N/A" in the appropriate field.
- The contest is open to high school students (grades 9-12) in the U.S. and internationally.
- Essays must be in English and no more than 750 words. Word count includes in-text citations, but not reference lists.
- Essays must include at least one reference.
The submission deadline has been extended to 11:59pm U.S. Eastern Time on Sunday, March 9.
Please note that the site will automatically close at that time and cannot be re-opened.
For more information about the ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest, visit the contest homepage.
Questions? Contact us at dnaday@ashg.org