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Welcome to the 2025 DNA Day Essay Contest submission site. As you prepare your submission, please note the following important items:

What You Need to Know Before You Submit

  • Teachers should create an account and submit the essay for each student. This can be any teacher at the current school of the student.
  • If a teacher or other adult (such as a dean or guidance counselor) at a school is not availble to submit, a parent may submit.
  • If a class name is not applicable, please put "N/A" in the appropriate field.
  • The contest is open to high school students (grades 9-12) in the U.S. and internationally.
  • Essays must be in English and no more than 750 words. Word count includes in-text citations, but not reference lists.
  • Essays must include at least one reference. 

The submission deadline has been extended to 11:59pm U.S. Eastern Time on Sunday, March 9.

Please note that the site will automatically close at that time and cannot be re-opened.


For more information about the ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest, visit the contest homepage

Questions? Contact us at dnaday@ashg.org