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2023 DNA Day Essay Contest Logo

Accessing your essays:

  1. Log in to the ASHG portal through the button on the left side of the screen labeled "Login with ASHG". Your username is the email address associated with your membership

  2. Select "My Reviewing Assignments" from the table on the left side of the screen

  3. Please read through each essay assigned to you and score them based on the 2023 Rubric

Round 3 judging ends on Friday, April 14 at 11:59 pm U.S. Eastern Time.

If you have any questions, please contact dnaday@ashg.org

Essay Question:

In 2023, The American Society of Human Genetics celebrates its 75th anniversary! We want to kick off the festivities with you, the next generation of human geneticists. The theme of our celebrations is “One Humanity, Many Genomes.” In your essay, explain what “one humanity, many genomes” means to you. Please be sure to include:

  • Two examples of what makes our genomes unique
  • How advances in understanding our genomes impact our lives, such as current and future research into medical treatments.